21 December 2017
A forest park near Wellington has been swarming with more volunteers than usual for the past year; and they’ve installed a massive new network of next-generation traps to tackle stoats and rats which prey upon brown kiwi and other native birds.
20 December 2017
Three new takahē arrived in Wellington this week and another is moving between pest-free islands. The movements will help provide companions for birds who have lost their elderly mates this year.
14 December 2017
Wellington has gained two new front-line Department of Conservation rangers – a Pest Detection dog called Flint and his handler, Richard Johnston.
05 December 2017
A public tip-off has led to the conviction of a man who illegally fished in Wellington's Taputeranga Marine Reserve.
30 November 2017
A rare shorebird has been spotted at Waikanae estuary and may be breeding for the first time.
11 October 2017
People of all ages are encouraged to look in their backyard this Conservation Week to see how they can help protect and nurture our amazing and unique wildlife.
29 September 2017
It’s now even easier to get Wellington kids into nature with four new Toyota Kiwi Guardian adventure sites launching on the first day of the school holidays, 30 September.
14 September 2017
Whitby will launch their the mission to become predator-free with discounted traps for sale on Saturday 16 September.
03 August 2017
DOC has won the Supreme New Zealand Biosecurity Award for the world-leading eradication of the pest great white butterfly.
29 July 2017
Office of the Minister of Conservation
Conservation Minister Maggie Barry has congratulated the sixth Porirua suburb to join the predator free movement, boosting the number of city residents actively trapping rats to more than 500.
25 July 2017
The latest Porirua suburb to join the predator-free movement will launch this Saturday 29 July, with free rat traps to give away.
03 July 2017
A group of eager Lions fans will not be charged for an incomplete booking at Te Kopi Homestead.
29 June 2017
Office of the Minister for Conservation
Two historic Wellington buildings are being transferred from DOC into the care of Heritage New Zealand.
23 June 2017
Runner Jean Beaumont will tackle an invasive weed on Colonial Knob during National Vounteer Week.
28 April 2017
A new population of little spotted kiwi is being created at an Auckland sanctuary.
24 April 2017
DOC seeks help on a New Zealand falcon/kārearea found shot dead in Nikau Valley, Paraparaumu.
01 April 2017
DOC's Kapiti Wellington office will celebrate its shared history and achievements from 30 years of active conservation in the region.
25 March 2017
Eight native lizards were transferred to Mana Island near Wellington from Belmont Quarry.
07 March 2017
There is one month left to provide feedback on a new draft Conservation Management Strategy (CMS) for the Wellington, Kāpiti, Manawatū-Rangitīkei and Wairarapa Regions.
28 February 2017
Two of Wellington’s predator-free islands have been combed by conservation dogs and given a clean bill of health by DOC after biosecurity scares over the summer.
25 January 2017
Office of the Minister of Conservation
Volunteer work to protect the Wellington region’s special places from weeds, pests and predators has received a valuable boost through the DOC Community Fund.
25 January 2017
1,200 new stoat traps have been installed in Rimutaka Forest Park.