

Red deer, and low numbers of chamois can be found throughout the Cascade-Hope-Gorge area.


  • Chamois
  • Deer - Red
  • Possums

Permit requirements

A permit is required to hunt on public conservation land.

This hunting area is covered by an 'open area permit' – get it online or from a DOC office.

Dog access

Dogs with a DOC permit only. More information below or contact the relevant DOC office.

About this hunting block


This area covers the entire Cascade Valley and the adjacent Hope and Gorge valleys that extend west towards the coast.  The southern parts include the Red Hills and Olivine Ranges.  

The area is a mix of mostly open river valleys, forested hillsides and extensive areas of open tussock range. There is thick growing scrub in the poorer soils of the area.

Hunting ballot

A hunting ballot system applies to this hunting block during the roar – March and April.

There are 12 balloted, restricted access roar blocks in this area and one open block in the Cascade Valley.

The roar blocks are:

  • Block 21 – Matyr
  • Block 19 – Teer Creek
  • Block 18 – Hope River
  • Block 17 – Frieda Creek
  • Block 14 – Delta Tarn
  • Block 13 – Woodhen Creek
  • Block 12 – McKay Creek
  • Block 11 – Duncan River
  • Block 10 – Plateau Creek
  • Block 07 – Jerry River
  • Block 06 – Falls Creek
  • Block 01 – Durwards Creek

More information and how to apply for the roar ballot.


Foot access into the area is difficult and most hunters use helicopters.


The best access into the Hope is by helicopter to one of several good camp sites in the main valley. There are no recognised camp sites in the adjacent Frieda Creek. Travel in the Hope valley is good along open river flats and bush terraces.

The best access into the Gorge River is by helicopter to several campsites along the length of the valley. Travel in the mid and upper valley and the Duncan is good. Lower down the river passes through gorges before reaching the coast.

Callery Creek and Spoon River are both small streams that run to the coast. They can be accessed by helicopter. The Cascade is accessed off the end of the Jackson Bay-Cascade Road that ends at a locked gate to private property beside the Martyr River. You need landowner permission to go through private property. There’s a helicopter landing site at the locked gate.

Helicopter landings into this hunting block is by DOC approved aircraft concessionaires only. This is the same for all public conservation land including Mount Aspiring National Park.

Ground access

The Cascade is accessed off the end of the Jackson Bay-Cascade Road that ends at a locked gate beside the Martyr River. You need landowner permission to go through private property.

It’s possible but difficult to walk into the Cascade from this point without crossing private land. Foot access across private land on the lower Cascade flats requires permission from the landowner which is generally not given.

Travel in the middle Cascade valley is good along open river flats and bush terraces upstream as far as Falls Creek where the Cascade Gorge begins.  The lower Cascade is not easy to reach on foot and is mostly swamps and wetlands.

The lower Hope River can be accessed by the Barn Bay-Cascade Road, an old vehicle track that runs from the Cascade flats to the coast. You need permission from the landowner, but this is generally not given. Foot travel up the Hope from the river mouth is easy.


The Cascade flats around Martyr homestead are privately owned and access is generally not permitted. Lower down the Cascade there is freehold land, seek landowner’s permission before crossing private or lease land.

Contact the Haast Visitor Centre to get landowner contact details.


NZTopo50 BZ09. 


There is one private hut near the mouth of the Hope River and another located 1 km upstream. Contact Haast Visitor Centre for contact details of the private hut owner.

DOC Huts


Moderate numbers of red deer can be found throughout the area at any time of the year. Spring hunting on the grassed flats and during the roar is most popular. Bush and river flat hunting is good. Few deer are found on the unfertile terraces and the open tops are regularly hunted by helicopter. 

Chamois are found throughout in low numbers.

Know before you go

Check for current pesticide operations that may be in progress where you intend to hunt. Use the West Coast pesticide summary map.

The use of shotguns, shotgun-rifle combos, .22 calibre and rim-fire firearms is prohibited on public conservation land unless stated otherwise.


Awarua/Haast Visitor Centre
Phone +64 3 750 0809
Email haastvc@doc.govt.nz
Address Haast Junction
Corner SH6 and Jackson Bay Road
Haast 7886
Hours Visitor centre hours and services
Awarua/Haast Visitor Centre
Phone +64 3 750 0809
Email haasthuntingballot@doc.govt.nz
Address Haast Junction
Corner SH6 and Jackson Bay Road
Haast 7886
Hours See visitor centre hours
Westland Tai Poutini National Park Visitor Centre
Phone +64 3 752 0360
Email westlandnpvc@doc.govt.nz
Address 69 Cron Street
Franz Josef Glacier 7856
Hours Visitor centre hours and services
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