

Hunting for red deer, chamois, thar and gamebirds is popular throughout much of the area.

The South Westland District covers a vast area of land that extends from the Waitaha River to Big Bay and from the sea to the Main Divide. There is about 500,000 ha of public conservation land within this District and it includes parts of Tititea/Mount Aspiring and Westland Tai Poutini National Parks, as well as many small reserves and large areas of stewardship land.               

Most species have a preferred hunting season. Feral pigs and goats are uncommon.

Find things to do and places to stay South Westland hunting


Awarua/Haast Visitor Centre
Phone +64 3 750 0809
Email haasthuntingballot@doc.govt.nz
Address Haast Junction
Corner SH6 and Jackson Bay Road
Haast 7886
Hours See visitor centre hours
Westland Tai Poutini National Park Visitor Centre
Phone +64 3 752 0360
Email westlandnpvc@doc.govt.nz
Address 69 Cron Street
Franz Josef Glacier 7856
Hours Visitor centre hours and services
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