Havelock hunting

Located in Mid & South Canterbury hunting in the Canterbury region

Hunt red deer, thar and chamois in the Havelock.

About this hunting block

General information

This area forms part of the catchment of the Havelock River and the upper Rangitata River. The terrain comprises rugged mountains with extensive scree fans. Glaciers are present at the head of some valley systems.

This area is approximately 24,941 hectares and adjoins Clyde/Lawrence to the east, Sinclair Range to the south and Godley/Macaulay, Upper Godley and Franz Josef/Waiau to the west.


There are two 4WD access points:

  • Bush Stream: 70 km north west of Geraldine. Near Coopers Creek Bridge turn inland off Geraldine Arundel Road onto Peel Forest Road. 1 km past Peel Forest township turn right onto Rangitata Gorge Road. Follow this road to the DOC carpark at Bush Stream; Access from here is up the Rangitata River.
  • Erewhon Station:  50 km inland from Mt Somers township. At Mt Somers township follow Ashburton Gorge Road to Hakatere. Then follow the Hakatere Potts Road to Erewhon Station. Note, permission must be obtained to cross Erewhon Station’s private land into the river.

Both access points involves difficult and lengthy riverbed travel and is conditional on river levels. Crossing the Rakaia and Havelock rivers is only recommended for experienced parties with suitable vehicles.

  • Always treat rivers with respect - never cross a dirty or flooded river.
  • River currents are often stronger than they appear.
  • Water levels can rise rapidly due to rain in the headwaters; it does not need to raining at the crossing place.
  • Braids of the river can shift and there may be soft sinking sand.
  • If in doubt, stay put until conditions improve or turn back.

Helicopter landings may be approved in certain areas provided an appropriate landing permit is obtained.

Topo 50 maps

NZTopo50 map sheets: BX17 Mount Sibbald, BX18 Clearwater, BW17 Harihari

Hut information

Know before you go

Help control wallabies in this area by reporting sightings

Wallabies can displace other species, affect pastures and native species' habitats.
They also potentially impact production and native ecosystems.

Report your sighting online – it only takes a few minutes.

You can also report wallaby sightings by calling 0800 80 99 66.

More about why wallabies are a problem.