Maps and boundaries
View a map and find out about the boundaries of Long Island - Kokomohua Marine Reserve.

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Long Island, Kokomohua Islands and a charted rock to the north-east, form a chain of islands and submerged reefs. The marine reserve extends 463 metres (a quarter of a nautical mile) offshore from the charted rock and from the high water mark around the islands.

Map of Long Island - Kokomohua Marine Reserve showing its boundaries.

Map of Long Island - Kokomohua Marine Reserve map (PDF, 809K)

GPS information

Long Island - Kokomohua Marine Reserve GPX (GPX, 2K)

  1. 41° 6.691' S 174° 18.201' E
  2. 41° 7.408' S 174° 16.916' E
  3. 41° 8.201' S 174° 15.926' E
  4. 41° 6.958' S 174° 16.182' E
  5. 41° 6.271' S 174° 17.655' E
  6. 41° 5.646' S 174° 18.941' E