

Red deer and goats can be found throughout the Southern Paparoas. Pigs are uncommon.


  • Deer - Red
  • Goats

Permit requirements

A permit is required to hunt on public conservation land.

This hunting area is covered by an 'open area permit' – get it online or from a DOC office.

Dog access

No dogs

About this hunting block

General information

The Southern Paparoas extend from Blackball to Taylorville and 12 Mile Creek.


Via the Croesus/Moonlight Track.


A large portion of the Southern Paparoas is held under coal mining licences and is not managed by DOC.


NZTopo50 BT19, BT20.


Dogs are prohibited in this area.


There is 1 DOC hut in Southern Paparoas:


  • Red deer can be found throughout the area at any time of the year however spring hunting and the roar period are most popular.
  • Possums are controlled by TBfree usually within 1 km of any farmland.
  • Pigs are generally uncommon.
  • Goats can be found over much of the area from the valley floor to the tops.


DOC Customer Service Centre
Phone 0800 275 362
Email greymouth@doc.govt.nz
Address DOC offices
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