This hunting area is covered by an 'open area permit' – get it online or from a DOC office.
About this hunting block
Hunting opportunities in the Hihitahi Forest Sanctuary include red deer and low numbers of fallow and sika deer.
The area may be treated with 1080; check the pesticide summary. Possums are present but use of .22 and shot guns are prohibited, as is hunting during the hours of darkness. Permits to use traps are available from the Mangaweka DOC office +64 6 388 2031.
General information
Isolated area of forest on rolling to very steep hill country encompassing the head waters of the Kaitapa Stream, including limestone outcrops and caves, mixed podocarp forest with pahautea dominant below 900m. Above this is pahautea and Halls totara over broadleaf and other montane shrubs.
Access to Hihitahi Forest Sanctuary is on the eastern side of State Highway 1. Legal walking access begins at a DOC sign about 17 km north of Taihape.
NZTopo50 BK35
No dogs allowed.
Tongariro National Park Visitor Centre
Phone: | +64 7 892 3729 |
Email: | |
Address: | Whakapapa Village State Highway 48 Mount Ruapehu 3951 |
Hours: | Visitor centre hours and services |