Applications for structure lease/licences
Have your say on multiple applications submitted for structure licences across Aotearoa New Zealand. Submissions closed 29 November 2023.

The Permissions team are processing applications differently between September to December 2023, focusing on multiple applications of the same or similar activity concurrently. This approach enables us to manage our existing permissions workload more efficiently by publicly notifying multiple applications at the same time.

The Minister of Conservation has received three separate applications for lease renewal/licenses. All applications outlined below are notified under section 17SC of the Conservation Act 1987.

On this page: How to make a submission

Application details

Lease of existing transfer station and conjoined disposal facility in Uretiti 

Applicant: Whangārei District Council 

Application number: 102283-OTH

Location of proposed activity: Uretiti, Whangārei 

Summary of proposal: Application for lease for the existing operation of Uretiti Transfer Station and Uretiti Green Waste Disposal facility. This activity was previously authorised under two leases, 15009-OTH and 53746-OTH. These two operations are adjacent to one another and run in conjunction, as such it is intended to process these renewals together as a lease/license.  

Concession applied for: A lease renewal lease/licence for a 30-year term.  

Application documents

Reconstruction of Bowergate Raupo stop bank as part of Raupo District Drainage Plan 

Applicant: Kaipara District Council 

Application number: 108683-OTH

Location of proposed activity: Ruawai, Kaipara 

Summary of proposal: This application is for flood protection works by Kaipara District Council that are regarded as urgent. It is proposed to undertake reconstruction of the Bowergate Raupo stop bank structure near Ruawai, as part of the Raupo District Drainage Plan. The purpose of the proposed stop bank is to improve the resilience of the area and protect public safety by reducing the risk of flooding.  

Concession applied for: A land use lease/license for a 30-year term.  

Application documents


DOC has now granted a concession to Kaipara District Council.

Licence renewal for four rainfall monitoring sites in Taranaki 

Applicant: Taranaki Regional Council 

Application number: 108732-TEL

Location of proposed activity: Three located on Mt Taranaki and one located in the Taranaki Eastern Hill Country, Taranaki 

Summary of proposal: Licence renewal for four existing rainfall monitoring sites which are used for early flood warning purposes by Taranaki Regional Council. All four structures exist, and their purpose is to protect public safety by reducing the risk of flooding as well as providing environmental monitoring and long term trend analysis.   

Concession applied for: A land use license for a 30-year term.  

Application documents

How to make a submission  

Any person or organisation may make a submission in writing to the Director-General on these proposals.

Submissions for all applications closed on Wednesday 29 November 2023 at 5 pm.  

DOC comment regarding publicly notified applications  

 The Minister of Conservation has made no determination regarding the suitability of this proposed concession on public conservation land.  This public notification should not be interpreted as an intention on the part of the Minister of Conservation to grant the proposed concession.     

Hearing details  

No hearings were held.


Decision details will be added to this page as they become available. 


If you have a question about the application or the submission process you can email