Juvenile white rhino - this species was listed in 1975 when CITES was established.


CITES regulates and monitors trade in endangered animal and plant species to ensure it does not threaten their long-term survival in the wild.

Over 40,000 species are covered by CITES, with trade in these managed through a system of permits and certificates. Items containing CITES species are likely to need documentation to be able to travel between countries.

Items in your luggage or online shopping cart might contain CITES species without you realising. They could be clothing, shoes, medicines, souvenirs, plants, shells, furniture, or ornaments. You could be wearing a taonga made from whalebone or bringing home a hunting trophy – CITES regulations could apply to all of these.

Check ahead of time to make sure you won’t get delayed at the border or have your goods seized. Find out below if your goods fall within the CITES requirements and whether you need a permit. Apply well ahead of time for a permit if you need one.



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