Advice on the Department's Community Fund and Community Agreements
28 April 2023: Read the NZCA's advice on concerns around cuts to the Department's Community Fund and Community Agreements.

To: Penny Nelson, Director-General of Conservation
Date: 28 April 2023

The Authority are very concerned around cuts to the DOC Community Fund, and the lack of support to community groups from the Department following the cessation of community agreements.

The Authority have been made aware of an instance in which a community group is achieving conservation outcomes, a core part of DOC’s statutory obligations, but are now turning to philanthropic organisations for funding support in order to continue their work following the termination of their agreement with DOC. The Authority are troubled that this is just one example of a wider issue for community groups funded by the DOC Community Fund.

While the Authority understand that community agreements expire and change, this must be done in a transparent manner. Both parties should be clear on when DOC resourcing will cease; DOC should be faithful to their contractual agreements and not end agreements prematurely. Particularly where community groups are achieving conservation outcomes on behalf of the Department (and essentially doing the work of the DOC), it is the responsibility of the Department to ensure that community groups are properly prepared to continue this work prior to the termination of their agreement. Otherwise, the groups can be left seeking the philanthropic funding, who would essentially be paying for conservation work on behalf of DOC.

The Authority requests further information from the Department on the DOC Community Fund, clarification on the Department’s approach to supporting community groups to achieve conservation outcomes following the termination of community agreements, and assurance that agreements are not being terminated prematurely.