To: Hon Poto Williams, Minster of Conservation
Date: 17 October 2022
The Authority were encouraged by the recent announcement that monitoring cameras aboard commercial fishing vessels will take place from November. This is an initiative that the Authority previously advocated for in its submission on the National Plan of Action for Seabirds 2020, and a necessary step towards accurate data collection that will inevitably provide accountability for reporting bycatch and instil good fishing practice.
We are equally encouraged by Minister Parker’s recent decision to act cautiously in pulling various aspects of the Fisheries Amendment Bill, and to hear of his desire to review the Seabird bycatch best practise regulations. We understand that he intends to make a decision before Christmas. I am writing to you, in light of this opportunity, to advocate in support of a review of regulations for seabird bycatch.
The Authority note that there is opportunity in the momentum gained from Minister Parker’s recent announcements, and the recent investigations into the impact of light pollution on migratory birds, to continue to raise awareness and understanding of the issue of seabird bycatch, and for Aotearoa New Zealand to act as responsible guardians and kaitiaki for our marine environment.