Policy 11: Indigenous biological diversity (biodiversity)
Read policy 11: Indigenous biological diversity (biodiversity), from the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statment 2010 publication.

To protect indigenous biological diversity in the coastal environment:

  1. avoid adverse effects of activities on:
    1. indigenous taxa4 that are listed as threatened5 or at risk in the New Zealand Threat Classification System lists;
    2. taxa that are listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources as threatened;
    3. indigenous ecosystems and vegetation types that are threatened in the coastal environment, or are naturally rare6;
    4. habitats of indigenous species where the species are at the limit of their natural range, or are naturally rare;
    5. areas containing nationally significant examples of indigenous community types; and
    6. areas set aside for full or partial protection of indigenous biological diversity under other legislation; and
  2. avoid significant adverse effects and avoid, remedy or mitigate other adverse effects of activities on:
    1. areas of predominantly indigenous vegetation in the coastal environment;
    2. habitats in the coastal environment that are important during the vulnerable life stages of indigenous species;
    3. indigenous ecosystems and habitats that are only found in the coastal environment and are particularly vulnerable
      to modification, including estuaries, lagoons, coastal wetlands, dunelands, intertidal zones, rocky reef systems, eelgrass and saltmarsh;
    4. habitats of indigenous species in the coastal environment that are important for recreational, commercial, traditional or cultural purposes;
    5. habitats, including areas and routes, important to migratory species; and
    6. ecological corridors, and areas important for linking or maintaining biological values identified under this policy.

4Taxa – as defined in the Glossary.

5Examples of taxa listed as threatened are – Māui dolphin, Hector’s dolphin, New Zealand fairy tern, Southern New Zealand dotterel.

6Naturally rare – as defined in the Glossary.