This report details restrictions on marine activities in New Zealand waters. Published 2004.
This study investigated whether baited underwater video (BUV) is a suitable method for monitoring fish assemblages in Banks Peninsula. Published 2018.
This report pertains to a DOC commissioned research project on the impacts of vessel activity on bottlenose dolphins in the Bay of Islands. Published 2020.
Report from a DOC sponsored project through Worcester Polytechnic Institute's International Qualifying Programme. Published 2017.
Read reports on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) that explore MPA design, planning and implementation, and ways to improve them.
Read publications on marine reserves, their operations and species.
View marine science posters that have been presented at conferences by DOC staff.
The New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement (NZCPS) 2010 guides local authorities in their day-to-day management of the coastal environment.
View a 1999 report on acoustic pingers and how they are helping to reduce bycatch of porpoises and dolphins in gillnets.
This 2016 report pertains to a DOC commissioned research project on the impacts of vessel activity on bottlenose dolphins in the Bay of Islands.