Policy 10: Reclamation and de-reclamation
Read policy 10: Reclamation and de-reclamation, from the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010 publication.
  1. Avoid reclamation of land in the coastal marine area, unless:
    1. land outside the coastal marine area is not available for the proposed activity; 
    2. the activity which requires reclamation can only occur in or adjacent to the coastal marine area;
    3. there are no practicable alternative methods of providing the activity; and
    4. the reclamation will provide significant regional or national benefit.
  2. Where a reclamation is considered to be a suitable use of the coastal marine area, in considering its form and design have particular regard to:
    1. the potential effects on the site of climate change, including sea level rise, over no less than 100 years;
    2. the shape of the reclamation and, where appropriate, whether the materials used are visually and aesthetically compatible with the adjoining coast;
    3. the use of materials in the reclamation, including avoiding the use of contaminated materials that could significantly adversely affect water quality, aquatic ecosystems and indigenous biodiversity in the coastal marine area;
    4. providing public access, including providing access to and along the coastal marine area at high tide where practicable, unless a restriction on public access is appropriate as provided for in Policy 19;
    5. the ability to remedy or mitigate adverse effects on the coastal environment;
    6. whether the proposed activity will affect cultural landscapes and sites of significance to tangata whenua; and
    7. the ability to avoid consequential erosion and accretion, and other natural hazards.
  3. In considering proposed reclamations, have particular regard to the extent to which the reclamation and intended purpose would provide for the efficient operation of infrastructure, including ports, airports, coastal roads, pipelines, electricity transmission, railways and ferry terminals, and of marinas and electricity generation.
  4. De-reclamation of redundant reclaimed land is encouraged where it would:
    1. restore the natural character and resources of the coastal marine area; and
    2. provide for more public open space.