In the “Protecting our seas DVD

Clip duration: 1 minute 44 seconds

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About the clip

What you’ll see

Shots of Long Island and the wider Marlborough Sounds from the air open this clip. Blue cod are seen beneath the surface, one even head-butting the camera lens, with the on-screen message “Blue cod live only in New Zealand waters”. A series of shots then show other fish and invertebrate species which live in the reserve including paua. A diver is also seen grabbing a rock lobster, representing illegal take from the reserve.

What you’ll learn

Located in the Marlborough Sounds near Picton, this marine reserve was a result of efforts by local dive clubs.

Large blue cod, endemic to New Zealand, are abundant in the marine reserve, showing no fear of divers. Other species include spotties, kina, banded wrasse, jock stewart (sea perch), rock lobster, brittle stars, anemones and clingfish.

Monitoring over the last 12 years by the Department has shown a gradual recovery of paua, however illegal take is suspected to have slowed this process.

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