

Find red deer, feral pigs and small numbers of fallow deer in the Reefton area.


  • Deer - Fallow
  • Deer - Red
  • Pigs

Permit requirements

A permit is required to hunt on public conservation land.

This hunting area is covered by an 'open area permit' – get it online or from a DOC office.

Dog access

Dogs with a DOC permit only. More information below or contact the relevant DOC office.

About this hunting block

General information

The Reefton area covers the low (500-1000m) hill country behind Reefton and between the Inangahua Valley and the Grey Valley. It includes the small catchments of Big River and Snowy River. There are small areas of open elevated pakahi terraces but only one small area of open tops at Bald Hill.

Vegetation is mainly beech/podocarp forest at lower altitude and some cutover logged areas. The narrow valleys are forested and with only small clearings along their length.


Access into this area is possible from several points.

From Reefton: Soldiers Road to Big River Road is a 20km (2hrs) 4WD road/track with creek crossings (not crossable in heavy rain). This ends at Big River Hut and from there a 3hr walking track goes on to Waiuta. There are other old forestry roads and tracks in this area.

From SH7 at Hukarere travel the Blackwater Road 14km to Waiuta: A walking track goes from here to Big River Hut - 3hrs.

From SH7 at Hukarere follow the Snowy River road 20km to the Alexander River. From here you can climb onto the Bald Hill tops (1191m).


There are no private land owners.


NZTopo50 BS21, BT 21.


Dogs are prohibited except where authorisation has been granted by DOC. People wishing to take a dog into this area must seek authorisation from the DOC office. Keep dogs under control when crossing farmland.


There is one hut in this area: 

Big River hut. A serviced 20 bunk hut.


Fallow deer are in small numbers in the lower Inangahua Valley. Red deer can be found throughout the area at any time of the year and hunting during the roar is popular.

Goats are not widespread but there are some localised herds around Reefton. Feral pigs can be encountered anywhere in this area. Possums are regularly controlled by TBfree throughout the parts of this area adjacent to farmland.

Additional information

Watch for mine shafts when walking in forests.


DOC Customer Service Centre
Phone 0800 275 362
Email greymouth@doc.govt.nz
Address DOC offices
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