Upper Waihōpai Valley hunting

Located in South Marlborough hunting in the Marlborough region

There are goats, pigs, red deer and chamois (in low numbers) to be found in the Upper Waihōpai Valley.

About this hunting block

General information

The Glazebrook Conservation Area consists of several blocks in the Upper Waihōpai Valley. It also adjoins the eastern side of the Leatham Conservation Area.

There are goats, pigs, red deer and chamois (in low numbers) to be found in this area.


Access is through private land only, up the Waihōpai, Spray and Avon Rivers and requires permission from the landowners. DOC does not have a list of contacts for this area.

Helicopter access

Some areas are not accessible by road or track. Helicopter operators must have a landing concession.


NZTopo50 - BS26, BR27, BS27


Dogs are  only allowed with a dog permit. To obtain a dog permit for this area, email the Nelson Visitor Centre: nelsonvc@doc.govt.nz.

Permission to take dogs through private property must be obtained from the landowners.


Blue Mountain Hut

Additional information

For further mapping and access information refer to Walking Access Aotearoa or DOC maps.