Ka Whata Tu o Rakihouia Conservation Park hunting

Located in South Marlborough hunting in the Marlborough region

This hunting block includes Clarence Reserve. Red deer, pigs, chamois and low numbers of goats are present.

About this hunting block

Ka Whata Tu o Rakihouia combines the Seaward and parts of the Inland Kaikoura Ranges. It is steep, rugged, dry high country, and is nationally significant both geologically and ecologically.

This information is split into two areas:

  1. Seaward Kaikoura Ranges – seaward side of the range.
  2. Clarence Reserve – inland side of Seaward Kaikoura Range.

Seaward Kaikoura Ranges (seaward side of range)

General information

The Seaward Kaikoura Ranges are very steep and rocky, with numerous bluffs and scree slopes.

Present are red deer, goats, pigs and chamois (in low numbers). DOC carries out regular goat control operations, so goat numbers are maintained at low levels.


There is generally no 4WD access to the area. There is foot access only via:

  • Kowhai River, Mt Fyffe - from Postman’s Road.
  • Hapuku River - from Grange Road.
  • Clinton Stream and Jordan Stream - from Puhi Puhi Road, turn off SH1 12 km north of Kaikoura.
  • George and McLean Streams - from Clarence Valley Road, turn off SH1 north of Clarence River bridge.
  • Charwell River - off Inland Kaikoura Road, 30 km south of Kaikoura.
Helicopter access

There are areas not accessible by road or track. Helicopter operators must have a landing concession.


Any other access is through private land and would require permission. DOC does not have a list of contacts for this area.


NZTopo50 – BT26, BT27, BS27, BS28


Dogs are allowed by permit only. For more information please contact Nelson Visitor Centre: nelson@doc.govt.nz or phone: +64 3 546 9339.

Dogs are not allowed through the George, McLean and Jordan Streams during September and October due to lambing.


The only huts are in the Mt Fyffe area:

Additional information

There is a Prohibited area, the Mount Uwerau Nature Reserve, which has no hunting or public access. It is the main breeding area of the burrow nesting Hutton's shearwaters.

The area encompasses the top of Kowhai River catchment, following a line around Mt Uwerau, Mt Manukau and Mt Saunders.

Clarence Reserve (inland side of Seaward Kaikoura Range)

General information

The inland/western side of the Seaward Kaikoura Range is often called the Clarence Reserve. It is dry, open, rocky, tussock and grassland.

Permit information

Most of the area is covered by the South Marlborough hunting block permit.

The Muzzle Grazing Concession area requires a special permit. The special permits are not available on-line, you need to contact the Wairau/Renwick Office: renwick@doc.govt.nz. Allow a week’s notice to organise and issue permits.


The main access point is over Blind Saddle Road, off Inland Kaikoura Road, 25 km from Kaikoura. There is a locked gate here.

There are no restrictions on walking or mountain biking access and limited vehicle access is managed by Muzzle Station – phone +64 3 319 5791.

Vehicle access is not available over winter.

Rafters/kayakers travelling down the Clarence River can hunt the Conservation Areas with appropriate hunting permits.

Helicopter access

There are a number of huts and bivvys not accessible by road or track. Helicopter operators must have a landing concession.


NZTopo50 – BT26, BT27, BS27

Dog access

Dogs are allowed by permit only from the Nelson Visitor Centre. They must have a current vet's certificate showing that they have been treated for Taenia ovis (sheep measles) less than 1 month and more than 2 days prior to entering the reserve. Certificates must be carried into the reserve and shown on request.


Additional information

Landcare Research is carrying out a 4 year Tb research programme based in the Clarence Reserve, using pigs and possums. Therefore, pig hunting and dogs may not be allowed during periods when the research is being carried out.

Contact Wairau/Renwick Office for Landcare research contact information.

For further mapping and access information refer to Walking Access Aotearoa or DOC maps.