
Apply for a permit to hunt in the Geraldine possum hunting block.

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Permit holder

Possum trapping permit conditions

Compulsory for all operators:

  1. Possum skins or carcasses must not be stored in Department of Conservation or public huts. Possums must not be skinned in or around huts.
  2. Carcasses or offal must be disposed of at least 50 m from tracks, any hut, picnic area, campsite or running water.
  3. Use only the following scent lures: cinnamon, orange, aniseed, plum, cherry and lemon. All other scent lures are prohibited. Visual lures (eg flour and icing sugar) can be used.
  4. No damage or harvesting of trees or other forest growth is permitted. Do not cut tracks and/or blaze trees.
  5. Use temporary, removable or biodegradable markers to mark trap lines and locations. All markers must be removed when the work is completed. Do not use aerosol paints.
  6. When working in an area with flightless birds, set traps at least 70 cm above ground level on a surface that ground birds cannot gain access to.
  7. If any protected wildlife is harmed it must be cared for and handed in, as soon as possible, whether alive or dead, to the nearest Department of Conservation Office.
  8. Set all traps away from tracks. No traps are to be laid within sight of recognised walking routes or within 50 m of any hut, picnic area or permanent campsite.
  9. For above ground sets trap chains must be of sufficient length to prevent trapped possums being held in suspension.
  10. Use traps in such a manner as to conform to the requirements of Section 36 of the Animal Welfare Act 1999. This requires a competent person to inspect all live capture and leghold traps, within 12 hours after sunrise on each day that the traps are set.
  11. Compliance with the Animal Welfare (Leg-hold Traps) Order 2007 is compulsory.
  12. Signage is to be erected at the public's normal point(s) of entry to the trapped area stating private possum trapping using leghold traps is underway with a contact telephone number. Use the trapping sign template (PDF, 110K).
  13. Access is strictly foot access over public access routes. Any access through private land must be negotiated with the landowner.


I understand the permitted activities and conditions of this permit and agree to abide by them

You will receive the permit by email. Check your email address is correct before submitting.

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