Map and boundaries
Map of the location and boundaries of the Te Whanganui-o-Hei/Cathedral Cove Marine Reserve.

For tide, boundaries and other information you can download the MarineMate app.

Interactive map

Downloadable map and boundaries

Map of Te Whanganui-o-Hei Cathedral Cove Marine Reserve (PDF, 829K)

GPS information

Te Whanganui-o-Hei Cathedral Cove Marine Reserve GPS file (GPX, 2KB)

  1. 36° 49.258' S 175° 45.863' E
  2. 36° 49.108' S 175° 45.863' E
  3. 36° 48.175' S 175° 46.229' E
  4. 36° 49.325' S 175° 49.146' E
  5. 36° 49.492' S 175° 49.579' E
  6. 36° 49.592' S 175° 49.479' E
  7. 36° 49.608' S 175° 49.246' E
  8. 36° 50.092' S 175° 48.096' E