Volunteer application form
Complete this form to register to become a Wildlife Response Squad volunteer.

Privacy disclosure: To process your request or information, we need to collect personal information about you. We'll only use your information for this purpose and we'll follow the principles of the Privacy Act 2020. See our privacy and security statement.

Volunteer activity

Contact details

Check your address is correct and in full. 

Personal details

Emergency contact

Medical conditions

For your own health and safety, do you have any pre-existing medical conditions, allergies or past injuries and special dietary needs that DOC needs to know?

Do you give consent to have your medical information shared with your nominated emergency contact?


Volunteer activities span a range of fitness levels. Some activities need a specific fitness level.

What is your fitness level?


Do you have the following licences or certificates?

Relevant skills and experience

Previous volunteering experience

Do you have previous conservation volunteering experience:

Would you like to be contacted about future volunteering opportunities?