The focus for 2021 and early 2022 was the establishment of the forum, including setting the terms of reference and the forum’s strategy.
Since mid-2022, the forum has focused on projects. We have established sub-groups to work on data/insights, signage and behaviour change. Read more about their projects.
The forum is now in a consolidation phase.
Areas of focus until mid-2025
- Developing and implementing a land safety research and insights programme
- Engaging with iwi and hapū
- Engaging with local government
- Building te ao Māori capability across the land safety sector
- Integrating the water and land safety sectors more deeply, through the development of the Mountains to Sea network
- Working on complex problems and opportunities, through sub-groups. The initial focus is on data/insights, signage and behaviour change – learn more on the projects page.
- Running regular seminars and workshops
- Evaluating the impact of the forum