Motu Manawa-Pollen Island Marine Reserve
Image: Alastair Jamieson, ARC | ©



The Mōtū Manawa-Pollen Island Marine Reserve protects 500 hectares of the inner reaches of Auckland's Waitemata Harbour.

For tide, boundaries and other information you can download the MarineMate app.

Find things to do and places to stay Mōtū Manawa-Pollen Island Marine Reserve

Motu Manawa-Pollen Island Marine Reserve hosts a range sea birds and waders. Birds you may spot include:

  • red-billed and black-backed gull
  • white-fronted and Caspian tern
  • godwit
  • knot
  • sandpiper
  • South Island pied oystercatcher
  • wrybill

The best way to explore the marine reserve is by kayak or other small boat. Launch your kayak from the boat ramp at the end of Walker Rd in Point Chevalier.

The majority of the reserve is very tidal, so watch out you don't get stuck in the mud!

Protect our marine reserves
  • No fishing of any kind.
  • Don't take or kill marine life.
  • Don't remove or disturb any marine life or materials.
  • Don't feed fish - it disturbs their natural behaviour.
  • Take care when anchoring to avoid damaging the sea floor.


Auckland information
Phone:   +64 7 867 9080
About:   Kauaeranga Visitor Centre provides visitor information for this area
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