Year 12 geography – understanding a large natural landscape
The focus of this presentation is the glaciated landscape and the elements which are present and have enabled this landscape to form and change. It is designed to directly align with achievement standard 2.1.

As a specific case study, current data regarding the Tasman Glacier and its change over time is discussed and shown via photographs.

Schools need to supplement this presentation with outdoor activities to see the processes in action, either via tramps, a boat trip on the Tasman Lake or a scenic flight. 


Year group: 12
Curriculum level: 7
Achievement standard: 2.1 

Learning area

Learning Area*




Demonstrate geographic understanding of a large natural environment

*If you have another learning area you wish to explore, we can adapt. 

Learning objectives

Students will:

  • demonstrate comprehensive geographic understanding of a large natural environment:
    • the characteristics of a large natural environment
    • how the elements and processes of the large natural environment interact
    • how a large natural environment is formed and changes over time
  • fully explain aspects of the large natural environment including the use of geographic terminology and concepts
  • integrate comprehensive supporting case study evidence.

Key competencies

Thinking, participating and contributing


Location: Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park Visitor Centre (presentation only)
Duration: Various depending on key focus
Hazard level: Minimal
Cost: LEOTC fee (presentation only)