Sir Edmund Hillary Alpine Centre – planetarium
Students visit the first full-dome digital planetarium in New Zealand. High-definition videos are played on a world-class definition ceiling dome.

Video programme

  • Mount Cook Space Traveller (20 minutes) is a virtual space tour of planets, stars and galaxies.
  • Infinity Express (25 minutes) follows man's quest to understand the universe, from our own origins to life beyond the solar system.
  • Black Holes (30 minutes) brings to life the latest scientific information about these unusual features of outer space.
  • Tycho to the Moon (22 minutes) engages young students in learning about night and day, space travel, phases of the moon and features of the moon's surface.


Year groups: 1-13
Curriculum levels: 1-8

Learning areas

Learning Area*



Arts (Visual)

Developing practical knowledge

Apply knowledge of elements and selected principals

Media Studies

Communicating and interpreting

Critically reflect, respond and evaluate

A.S. 1.1, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4


Planet Earth and Beyond

Earth Systems – Investigate structure of geosphere

Astronomical systems (multiple AO)

A.S. 1.15, 1.16, 2.2, 2.6


Nature of Technology – characteristics of technology – understand development expands human possibilities

A.S. 1.8, 1.9

*If you have another learning area you wish to explore let us know, we can adapt

Learning objectives

Students will:

  • gain confidence with the meanings of astronomical  terms
  • features of the solar system and their orientation
  • begin to rationalise the scale and complexity of galaxies
  • understand the key developments in space technology.

Key competencies

Thinking, using language, symbols and text


Location: Hermitage Hotel - via activities desk
Duration: Movies are various lengths
Hazard level: Minimal 
Cost: $8 per person (total cost for as many movies you wish to watch in 24 hours)