Whangaehu swing bridge closed for repairs

Archived content: This media release was accurate on the date of publication. 

The swing bridge on the Round the Mountain Track is closed for repairs from this week until March 2018.

Date:  01 November 2017

It is approximately 3 km south of the Tukino ski field access road, on the eastern flanks of Mount Ruapehu.

Damage to both main cables on the swing bridge has been identified which requires replacement. Until this work can be completed, the bridge is closed for all pedestrian access. In the interim, river crossing access will be marked on the most practical point of the river. However, hikers are advised to be careful of loose rocks in the river channel and to not attempt crossing in flood conditions.

DOC operations manager Bhrent Guy stressed that any river crossing should be carefully evaluated and whenever possible, crossed as a group. Hikers are also reminded not to linger in the area as the river is the natural lahar path from Te Wai ā-Moe, the Crater Lake, on Mt Ruapehu.

Mr Guy said DOC understands the site has an increasing number of users, especially going into the peak summer tramping season. DOC is committed to completing work as soon as possible, with all work to be completed before the 'Ring of Fire' ultra-marathon in April 2018.


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