Image: Ian Guthrie | DOC
Pavilion Peak Track
Pavilion Peak Track

Located in Lindis Conservation Area in the Canterbury region

This track traverses a range in the Lindis Conservation Area.

Another track good for long distance runners. It is a steep climb up Pavilion Peak from the Avon Burn valley. An undulating ridge provides great views as you travel along to Dromedary Peak. Trampers will need a pick up at the exit point on SH8 north of Lindis Pass (near Dalrachney Road Bridge).

Pavilion Peak.
Pavilion Peak Track on western side of Pavilion Peak (1632 m)

Mountain biking

This track is a better ride if you start from SH8 and exit down the Avon Burn valley. The western side of Pavilion Peak is steep so makes an ideal descent on a bike.

This is a shared-use track. Follow the mountain bikers code: respect others, respect the rules, respect the track.

Map: NZTopo50 CA14 Lindis Pass