Wellington Conservation Board district
Each Conservation Board operates in a geographical jurisdiction determined by the Minister of Conservation. Find out about the Wellington Conservation Board district.

The Wellington Conservation Boards’ area of jurisdiction extends from the bottom of the North Island to the mouth of the Turakina River in the west, and across to the east coast near Waimarama.

Significant areas

Four forest parks in the region have a network of tracks and huts for trampers, hunters and day-users to enjoy: Tararua Forest ParkRimutaka Forest ParkAorangi Forest Park and Ruahine Forest Park.

Kapiti Island Nature Reserve is an important refuge for endangered plant and bird species, including the largest population of little spotted kiwi in the country. Other endangered species have been released there including kokako, stitchbird (hihi), takahe and saddleback (tieke).

Mana Island Scientific Reserve ,4 km offshore from Titahi Bay, Porirua, is a valuable habitat because it is free of mammalian predators. It is home to a variety of native species, including takahe, Cook Strait giant weta, lizards, North Island robin, brown teal, shore plover, and yellow-crowned kakariki. Returning seabirds to the island is an important part of a restoration plan which includes a massive tree planting programme.

Matiu/Somes Island Scientific and Historic Reserve, in the middle of Wellington harbour, is one of the more accessible islands in the conservancy. It's a tranquil retreat for wildlife and visitors alike.

Lake Wairarapa and Lake Onoke comprises the largest wetland complex in the southern North Island.

Pukaha Mount Bruce National Wildlife Centre and Mount Bruce Forest in northern Wairarapa plays an important role in the captive breeding of New Zealand's endangered bird species, as well as fulfilling an educational role by giving the public the opportunity to see these birds. Native birds are also being returned to the adjoining Pukaha Mount Bruce forest.

Kapiti Marine Reserve lies between Paraparaumu and Waikanae beaches and Kapiti Island, and against the north-western shore of Kapiti Island. It covers 2167 ha of some of the best marine habitats in the Wellington region.

Taputeranga Marine Reserve 854 ha marine reserve, established off Wellington's south coast in 2008, provides easy access to study and interact with marine life and habitats.

Manawatu Gorge Scenic Reserve is one of only a few places in the world where a river pass through a dividing range. Tawa and podocarp species dominant the steep bush clad hills while mature nikau groves give it a tropical feel. A popular 10 km track through the reserve gets visitors up close to nature with many fine viewpoints out across the region. A long term collaborative project with many community partners is enhancing the biodiversity and recreation opportunities of the area which is just 20 minutes from Palmerston North.