Native timber opportunity
The Director-General of DOC is seeking Requests for Application for the recovery of native timber irreversibly damaged by Cyclone Ita on West Coast South Island public conservation land. The consultation has closed.

Applications closed: Friday 25 July 2014

Applications are restricted to conservation lands outside of national parks and ecological areas, and exclude the Te Wahipounamu - South West New Zealand World Heritage Area and the Waitangiroto Nature Reserve (White Heron Sanctuary) at Whataroa. 

Authorisations will only be issued where the Department’s Director-General is satisfied the proposed method of removing the timber is safe for workers and the public, and minimises environmental impacts. No authorisation will run beyond 1 July 2019. 

Read frequently asked questions for more information.


Maps of affected wind-blown forest (PDF, 2,789K). These maps are indicative windblown areas and are not an estimation of the percentage of trees available for recovery.

Note: This links to our Cerberus download site. Get help on downloading files.

How to apply

Read the application pack (PDF, 2,184K)

Download and complete the application form:

Windblown timber authority application form (Word, 385K) or (PDF, 216K)

Download an example of the application form:

Windblown timber authority example (PDF 494K)

Send your form with all relevant documents and the fee to:

Hokitika Shared Service Centre
Department of Conservation
Private Bag 701
Hokitika 7842

Attention: J Brennan 

Applications must be submitted no later than 5:00 pm Friday 25 July 2014.


For more information contact Aran Naismith or +64 3 756 9138.

Further applications

Further applications for recovery after the initial application period closes will be assessed on a 3 monthly basis with details of close-off dates published on this website.