Map and boundaries
View a map and find out about the boundaries of the Te Tapuwae o Rongokako marine reserve.

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Interactive map

Downloadable map and boundariess

Map of Te Tapuwae o Rongokako Marine Reserve (PDF, 691K)

The landward boundary of Te Tapuwae o Rongokako Marine Reserve is the mean high water springs mark, which is indicated approximately by the strand line of seaweed. You have access to the beach above this mark, but please respect that this is privately owned land. There is no public access onto the farmland adjacent to the reserve without the permission of the landowners, Whitiwhiti Inc.

The marine reserve extends from near the Waiomoko River mouth in the north, to near the Pouawa River mouth in the south. Both the northern and southern boundaries are marked by paired, yellow with pink bordered triangular beacons. The northern boundary is 5km or 2.7 nautical miles in length. The southern boundary is 3.5 km or 1.9 nautical miles in length and the seaward boundary is 7.5 km or 4 nautical miles in length.

GPS information

Te Tapuwae o Rongokako Marine Reserve GPS file (GPX, 1K)

  1. 38° 34.592' S 178° 13.228' E
  2. 38° 36.018' S 178° 16.146' E
  3. 38° 38.334' S 178° 11.86' E
  4. 38° 36.582' S 178° 11.027' E