Map and boundaries
View a map and find out about the boundaries of the Te Paepae o Aotea (Volkner Rocks) marine reserve.

On this page:

The location of Te Paepae o Aotea (Volkner Rocks) Marine Reserve is 55 km north/northeast of Whakatane and 5 km northwest of Whakaari (White Island).

For tide, boundaries and other information you can download the MarineMate app.

Interactive map

Downloadable map and boundaries

Map of Te Paepae o Aotea (Volkner Rocks) Marine Reserve (PDF, 811K)

GPS information

Te Paepae o Aotea (Volkner Rocks) Marine Reserve GPS file (GPX, 2K)

  1. 37° 29.208' S 177° 6.475' E
  2. 37° 29.0' S 177° 7.4' E
  3. 37° 29.2' S 177° 7.6' E
  4. 37° 29.845' S 177° 7.675' E
  5. 37° 27.969' S 177° 06.807' E
  6. 37° 27.799' S 177° 08.944' E
  7. 37° 29.137' S 177° 09.174' E