Charged for killing protected wildlife

Archived content: This media release was accurate on the date of publication. 

An Auckland man has been charged for the shooting of a protected native poaka (pied stilt).

Date:  01 August 2017

An Auckland man has been charged by the Department of Conservation (DOC) for the shooting of a protected native poaka (pied stilt).

Pied stilt.
Pied stilt
Image: Barry Harcourt | DOC

DOC first became aware of the matter after being informed by Fish and Game staff of the shooting.

Hawke’s Bay Fish and Game Regional Manager Mark Venman said that rangers were on a routine patrol on May 6 – opening day of duck shooting – when they came across a group of seven game bird hunters at Takapau.

Lying on top of a pile of ducks was a native pied stilt and when the group was asked who had shot it, one replied it had “fallen from the sky”.

When the ranger asked again a man stepped forward, identified himself, and owned up to the shooting saying he thought it was something else.

DOC Hawke’s Bay Operations Manager Connie Norgate says the Department of Conservation (DOC) administers the Wildlife Act 1953. Under this Act all native wildlife, such as birds, bats and reptiles, unless declared otherwise, are absolutely protected throughout New Zealand.

“It is an offence to hunt, kill, or possess any protected wildlife without a permit from DOC.”

The pied stilt, himantopus himantopus, or poaka, is a relatively common native wading bird and is absolutely protected throughout New Zealand. The pied stilt has distinctive long pink legs and a long fine black bill.

She went on to say, “This is clearly a case of not identifying the target and is unacceptable. It could have well been an endangered whio (blue duck) or similar.”

The man has received diversion which totals $650.00.


Rod Hansen
Mobile: +64 27 801 1127