Clip duration: 2 minutes 10 seconds

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About the clip

What you’ll see

This clip starts underwater showing a mixed algal bed followed by an aerial shot of the Coromandel Peninsula where the reserve is situated. Boats and snorkellers then represent the large number of visitors attracted to the area. Another boat traces the area’s well-known coastline of sandy beaches and coves before we are taken underwater to see the rocky reefs, sand flats and sponge gardens beneath the surface.

Shots of some of the reserve’s inhabitants are seen amongst shots of divers conducting surveys on species such as snapper and rock lobster. A shot of a sign for the Gemstone Bay snorkel trail follows, which is then seen in situ. The clip ends with shots of a range of fish and invertebrate species with a final shot of an eagle ray swimming away.

What you’ll learn

Located on the Coromandel Peninsula, this Marine Reserve attracts over 200,000 visitors per year. The coastline is scattered with coves, sandy beaches and rocky headlands. Beneath the surface a mixture of sand flats, low rocky reefs and colourful sponge gardens provide habitat for a variety of fish and invertebrate species.

Research has demonstrated some of the benefits of this marine reserve; finding 8 times more rock lobster (commonly known as crayfish) and 18 times more snapper inside than outside the reserve.

The snorkel trail situated at Gemstone Bay provides a great way to explore this marine reserve and learn about some of its inhabitants.

Species featured include banded wrasse, sweep, demoiselles, red rock crab, hermit crab, john dory, moray and conger eels, red moki, sandager’s wrasse, leatherjacket, goatfish, spiny sea urchins, starfish, wandering anemones and an eagle ray.

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