Clip duration: 3 minutes 3 seconds

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About the clip

What you’ll see

This clip starts with a close up of the Kapiti Marine Reserve sign followed by a series of shots showing people in the marine environment including snorkellers, divers, researchers and school kids on the beach. A rock wall covered in a colourful array of species is then followed by a shot of the moon, a deep sea remote operated vehicle, and a diver being propelled along by special equipment.

A scientist sorts through marine specimens and still images show a range of deep sea creatures. A few individual coastal species shots follow and then dolphins are seen travelling and leaping out of the water. Aerial footage of the Poor Knights Islands then gives way to underwater shots of the habitats and species which are found there.

A diver is seen recording data on a slate, next there are shots of both seaweed and mangrove forests followed by more shots of people recreating in the marine environment. A series of still images illustrate some of the human related threats to the sea. A diver then surfaces about a metre in front of two seemingly disinterested mollymawks.

A boy is seen unhooking a small fish he has caught; an image of hull-fouling by an invasive species is followed by someone cleaning their boat; a plastic bag floating in the water is followed by rubbish around a stormwater drain; and the DOC HOTline number (0800 362 468) appears on screen as a diver puts a rock lobster into a catch bag. The clip ends with a close up of a diver watching the small fish around her.

What you’ll learn

Marine Reserves protect typical, distinctive, beautiful and unique areas of our marine environment. Marine Reserves provide opportunities for scientific study and recreation, where we can experience our ocean in a more natural state.

Marine biodiversity protection is a relatively new concept as it is an ecosystem we have only really just started to explore. In New Zealand alone new species are being discovered at a rate of seven per fortnight and scientists now estimate that as much as 60% of our native biodiversity lives in the ocean.

New Zealand has been a world leader in establishing no-take marine reserves. The government is now working together with communities and stakeholders protect a full range of marine habitats and ecosystems in a network of Marine Protected Areas. This planning follows a more holistic science-based approach that aims to minimise impact on existing users.

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