Clip duration: 1 minute 54 seconds

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About the clip

What you’ll see

This DVD opens with the title screen over a shot of schooling fish. A series of shots from above and below the surface then show an example of New Zealand’s diverse range of marine habitats. From the intertidal we move into the deep sea with a remote operated vehicle dropping into the darkness. Our rich diversity is then illustrated with shots of a wide range of marine fish and invertebrate species. Schooling fish near the surface then introduce us to the pelagic zone and the seabirds and marine mammals that roam our oceans. More shots of our marine biodiversity illustrate the vast number of species found in the sea.

Images of rubbish, coastal development and aquaculture then represent the threats to our marine environment. A map shows our existing marine reserves and is followed by examples of habitats and species protected within these. Dense schools of fish represent recovery of protected populations and divers are seen monitoring a reserve. The upcoming journey from the sub-tropics down to sub-Antarctic waters is represented first by the sub-tropical spotted black grouper, then a pod of dolphins travelling south ending with a distinctive Southern royal albatross in the Auckland Islands.

What you’ll learn

New Zealand is a maritime nation with a marine area 15 times that of our land area. Spanning 4 Million km2 and 30° degrees of latitude from subtropical to Sub-Antarctic regions, New Zealand’s marine environment contains a huge diversity of habitats and species. In fact, 60% of our native species are estimated to live in the sea.

However our marine environment is facing increasing pressure from a growing human population and associated use and development. The Department of Conservation has established Marine Reserves to protect key areas from such threats and prevent the loss of our unique and extensive marine biodiversity.

Marine Reserves are like national parks in the sea which protect distinctive, beautiful and unique marine habitats and species. They provide opportunities for scientific study and the public to enjoy and learn about our marine environment in a more natural state.

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