Clip duration: 1 minute 53 seconds

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About the clip

What you’ll see

This clip opens with shots of the rocky coastline of this reserve and the glass bottom boat which operates within it. A map shows the reserve’s boundaries and a road sign and shot of the Auckland skyline represent its proximity to our largest city. Children are seen snorkelling and being taught about the reserves inhabitants, a number of shots of which follow.

Divers undertaking monitoring and the Leigh Marine Laboratory illustrate the research carried out in this reserve. The on-screen message “Less than 1% of our marine environment has been explored” sits over more shots of an array of species fading out as we then briefly tail a porcupine fish followed by a large snapper.

The clip ends with shots of local businesses in the small town that have benefited from the marine reserve.

What you’ll learn

Better known as Goat Island or Leigh, Cape Rodney – Okakari Point was established in 1975 and was New Zealand’s first Marine Reserve. Situated an hour from Auckland it attracts huge amounts of visitors and acts as an outdoor classroom for schools to learn about healthy coastal ecosystems.

Auckland University has its marine laboratory adjacent to this reserve. A considerable amount of research has been undertaken here over the years providing valuable information about our natural marine environment and the reserve is now internationally renowned for its success. Far more research is still required to get a true understanding of our marine environment with less than 1% explored to date.

Species featuring here include red moki, rock lobster, goatfish, eagle rays, wandering anemones, triplefins, blue maomao, leather jackets, hiwihiwi, nudibranchs, porcupine fish and snapper.

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