

The Te Haua Uru Track is located in the Tangihua Forest and links with the Horokaka Track and Tangihua Main Ridge Track to form a loop that will take experienced trampers 9 hours to complete.

Walking and tramping

3 hr 45 min to junction one way from car park Advanced: Tramping track

Dog access

Dogs with a DOC permit for recreational hunting or management purposes only. Other pets on conservation land rules.

Stay safe in the outdoors

  1. Choose the right trip for you. Learn about the route and make sure you have the skills for it.
  2. Understand the weather. Check weather forecasts
  3. Pack warm clothes and extra food. Check gear lists
  4. Share your plans and take ways to get help. Share directly or use the Outdoor Intentions form or Plan My Walk. Take a distress beacon. 
  5. Take care of yourself and each other.

Stop kauri disease and protect kauri

  • Scrub all soil off shoes and gear.
  • Use cleaning stations.
  • Always stay on the track.

How you can help save kauri


Whangarei Office
Phone:   0800 275 362
Fax:   +64 4 471 1117
Email:   whangarei@doc.govt.nz
Address:   2 South End Ave
Whangarei 0110
Postal Address:   PO Box 842
Whangarei 0140
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