
This multiagency group has come together for the long term benefit of Waituna Lagoon, its catchment, and the community.

Working in partnership at Waituna

The Department of Conservation, Environment Southland, Southland District Council, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu and Te Runanga o Awarua, all have statutory roles in the care and managment of Waituna Lagoon and its catchment.

In 2013 we formally came together as the Waituna Partners. We will work alongside the community and other stakeholders for the long term benefit of Waituna Lagoon, its catchment, and the community.

By working together we will achieve greater improvements than if we all worked separately, and avoid duplication of effort. Our goal is to improve the health and wellbeing of Waituna Lagoon, its catchment, and community, for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations, while recognising and providing for the traditional relationship of Ngai Tahu with their ancestral lake/rohe.

How it works

Waituna Partners provides strategic direction and has responsibility for achieving the vision of the Waituna Project. It is supported by a working group and a stakeholder group, each having its own specific responsibilities. DOC has two representatives which sit on this group – one being the most senior staff member in the region.

The working group carries out operational tasks as directed by the Waituna Partners. Scientific and technical advice is commissioned by and provided to the working group as required. DOC has two representatives which sit on this group.  One represents the Arawai Kakariki wetland restoration programme, and the other, the Living Water DOC/Fonterra Partnership

The stakeholder group is known as the Waituna Catchment Group. It was established as a forum for information sharing, discussion, feedback for the Waituna Partners, and as a check on agreed action and roles. Community and stakeholder input and action is critical to the success of the project.

Find out more on Waituna Lagoon on the Environment Southland website.

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