Fees and bookings on Greenstone and Caples tracks
Find out about fees and bookings on Greenstone and Caples tracks.

You need to pay fees to stay at the huts on this track.

Bookings are required from 1 November 2024. 

Book online.

Hut fees

  • Adult (18+ years): $25 per night
  • Youth (5–17 years): $12.50 per night
  • Child/Infant (0–4 years): free

Campsites (lawn at huts)

  • Adult (18+ years): $10 per night
  • Child (5–17 years): $5 per night
  • Infant (0 - 4 years): free

Campers may use hut water supply and toilets. 

A $10 service fee applies to phone and in-person booking. This is a limited service – book online first. An in-person booking is dependent on there being space available.

Bookings are open for stays up to 30 June 2025.

All bookings are first-come first-served. We do not have waiting lists for bookings for future seasons or facilities that are already booked-out.

Backcountry Hut Passes

Passes are valid for use in this hut from 1 May to 30 September. Passes won't be accepted from 1 October to 30 April.