You need to pay fees to stay at the huts on this track.
Bookings are required from 1 November 2024.
Hut fees
- Adult (18+ years): $25 per night
- Youth (5–17 years): $12.50 per night
- Child/Infant (0–4 years): free
Campsites (lawn at huts)
- Adult (18+ years): $10 per night
- Child (5–17 years): $5 per night
- Infant (0 - 4 years): free
Campers may use hut water supply and toilets.
A $10 service fee applies to phone and in-person booking. This is a limited service – book online first. An in-person booking is dependent on there being space available.
Bookings are open for stays up to 30 June 2025.
All bookings are first-come first-served. We do not have waiting lists for bookings for future seasons or facilities that are already booked-out.
Backcountry Hut Passes
Passes are valid for use in this hut from 1 May to 30 September. Passes won't be accepted from 1 October to 30 April.