Image: Jaime Apolonio | Creative Commons
View from Flower Brothers Walk.
Flower Brothers Walk

Located in Nelson Lakes National Park in the Nelson/Tasman region

From Lake Rotoroa car park, this track passes through a stand of kahikatea and around the lake outlet emerging on the road near Lake Rotoroa Lodge.

Named in memory of two early settlers at Lake Rotoroa, Cyril and Hubert Flower, Flower Brothers Walk is located at the northern end of the lake, between the lake foreshore and the outlet.

The walk begins to the right of the car park and jetty, then passes through a stand of mixed podocarp–beech forest dominated by kahikatea. It then follows around the lake outlet to the beginning of the Gowan River, emerging on the road near Rotoroa Lodge.

Kahikatea was once common as pure stands in swampy areas of alluvial flood plains and on the margins of lakes, rivers and estuaries throughout New Zealand. The clearance, drainage and conversion of these areas to farmland have resulted in the widespread loss of kahikatea forest.

Kahikatea is New Zealand’s tallest tree, often reaching 60 m in height. While preferring wetter, low-lying areas, kahikatea will also grow in forests on drier sites up to 600 m in altitude.

By road, St Arnaud, the main entry point for the national park, is 1 hour 30 minutes from Nelson or Blenheim, 5 hours from Christchurch, and 2 hours from Westport. Lake Rotoroa Village is 40 minutes from St Arnaud, off SH6.

Buses run to St Arnaud from Nelson, Picton, and the West Coast. An on-demand shuttle links Lake Rotoroa with the Mt Robert car park. Water taxis operate on the lakes.

Bad weather and freezing conditions can occur at any time in the park. Be prepared with warm, waterproof clothing and extra food.

  • Do not light fires.
  • Boil, filter, or treat water for drinking.
  • In late summer and autumn, carry antihistamine if allergic to wasp stings.

Pest control programmes, using toxins and traps, operate in the Rotoiti Nature Recovery Project area, and at the northern end of Lake Rotoroa. Keep to the tracks marked with orange triangles.