Mokohinau Islands at sunset



The pest-free Mokohinau Islands lie 100 km north-east of Auckland. The islands are home to skink and muttonbird populations. Recreational activities include walking and diving.

Find things to do and places to stay Mokohinau Islands

Burgess Island has a thriving red-crowned parakeet/kākāriki population. Tui and bellbird/korimako are also abundant. Grey-faced petrel/oi nest on the island and can be seen at sea feeding during the day.

The Mokohinau Islands provide a spectacular backdrop for boating. However, there are no safe anchorages, so it is best to plan to anchor overnight at another location. If you want to explore the island, the only safe landing point is on the south side of Burgess Island where the old wharf structure can be seen.

No dogs allowed

To protect our native wildlife, dogs are not allowed anywhere in this place.

Check you are pest-free

Check, clean, and seal your gear to ensure you don't bring pests, soil, and seeds.

See island biosecurity requirements.


Auckland information
Phone:   +64 7 867 9080
About:   Kauaeranga Visitor Centre provides visitor information for this area
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