Summary of joint Minister's decisions on Māui dolphin Threat Management Plan
View a summary of the joint Ministers’ decisions on the Māui dolphin Threat Management Plan

This table gives summary of the joint decisions by the Ministers of Department of Conservation and Ministry of Primary Indudustries on the Māui dolphin Threat Management Plan. The decisions were announced in November 2013.

More information about the decisions.



Commercial and Amateur Set Netting (off the WCNI - Taranaki)


Keep existing management, including the interim measures to:

  • retain the commercial and amateur set net prohibition between zero and two nautical miles offshore from Pariokariwa Point to Hawera;
  • prohibit the use of commercial set nets between two and seven nautical miles offshore from Pariokariwa Point to Hawera without an observer onboard.
The interim measures would be reviewed in 2015-2016 to inform management going forward.

Managing the risk to Māui dolphin in the inshore area (out to two nautical miles) where the January 2012 mortality occurred, and the alongshore range based on the maximum travel distance recorded for Māui dolphin.

Gathering more information on dolphin presence in the area.

100% observer coverage between two and seven nautical mile areas offshore will provide independent monitoring and reporting of fishing interactions with, or sightings of Hector’s and/or Māui dolphin beyond two nautical miles.
Commercial and Amateur Set Netting (WCNI Harbours)  
  • Keep existing commercial and amateur set net restrictions
  • Amend the regulations to allow commercial ring netting in the Manukau Harbour where the set net ban applies, with restrictions on the length and height of ring nets, time and duration of deployment.
Improve information on Māui dolphin distribution and set net activity in the west coast
Allowing for commercial ring netting (which is considered a lower risk activity) in the area where set net activity is currently prohibited in the Manukau Harbour.

Improving information in two areas:

  • Māui dolphin use of the WCNI harbours, with a focus in the Manukau Harbour;
  • where commercial and amateur set net activity is occurring in the harbours.
 Commercial Trawling  
  • Keep existing management for trawl, and
  • Put in place extensive monitoring coverage in the commercial trawl fishery between two and seven nautical miles offshore from Maunganui Bluff to Pariokariwa Point.
Increasing the level of monitoring coverage in the inshore trawl fishery to:
  • reduce the uncertainty in the risk trawling poses to Māui dolphins while enabling trawling to continue, and
  • provide robust information to inform assessment of the level of interaction between trawl activity and the Māui dolphin population.
Seismic Survey  
Regulate seismic surveying by incorporation of the Seismic Surveying Code of Conduct 2012 by reference under section 28 of the Marine Mammals Protection Act (MMPA) as a mandatory standard. This would apply in Territorial waters, EEZ and within the Marine Mammal Sanctuaries.
Management of risk to Māui dolphin from seismic surveys by making the Code of Conduct - developed with input from stakeholders – mandatory in all New Zealand fisheries waters.

Inshore Boat Racing (WCNI)


Develop Code of Conduct for inshore boat racing off the west coast of the North Island. As a part of the Code, investigate seasonal or area specific restrictions on racing in sensitive areas.

Management of risk to Māui dolphin from inshore boat racing by use of a voluntary Code of Conduct to be developed with input from all relevant stakeholders.

Māui Dolphin Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group


Develop and implement a strategic, collaborative advisory group for engaging interested parties (National and local government, industry, ENGO’s, tangata whenua and science providers) in prioritisation and funding of future conservation research on Māui dolphin.

To manage the recovery of Māui dolphin via:

An annual strategic planning process with central and local government, industry, Treaty Partners  and stakeholders to ensure a strategic, integrated approach to mitigating the impacts of human activities on Māui dolphin;

An annual research planning process to direct research priorities where they will provide the most benefit for Māui dolphin;

An engagement strategy to support implementation of outcomes from the planning processes, focused initially on options developed during consultation. This should also include development of a domestic and international communications strategy, to convey messaging about the government response.