Some of this content is out of date. We are in the process of reviewing and updating it.
DOC's outcome statement is:
New Zealanders gain environmental, social and economic benefits from healthy functioning ecosystems, recreation opportunities and living our history.
The OMF provides a systematic overview of the information needed to report on progress towards achieving the outcome statement and to:
- assess performance
- guide DOC activities
- assist with policy development.
If DOC makes a statement regarding an outcome, performance, the reason for undertaking a given activity or adopting a policy, it’s anticipated it will have the necessary evidence to support it based on the OMF.
The OMF is organised in a hierarchy. At the higher level are DOC’s intermediate outcomes and outcome objectives. These are supported by increasingly specific information – indicators and measures – at lower levels.
Intermediate outcomes (IOs)
Intermediate outcomes describe the future states required to realise the DOC outcome statement.
- IO1: The diversity of our natural heritage is maintained and restored.
- IO2: Our history is brought to life and protected.
- IO3: New Zealanders and our visitors are enriched by outdoor experiences.
- IO4: New Zealanders connect and contribute to conservation.
Outcome objectives
Outcome objectives must be achieved to realise Intermediate outcomes.
Indicators focus attention on the question “How do you know you’re delivering on outcomes?”.
Indicators break down each monitoring objective into discrete aspects of activities, or results that can be addressed by quantitative or qualitative measures. Each indicator is described in the assessment templates.
Measures provide methodology and, where appropriate, tools and best standards to source information for indicators. Each measure is described in the assessment templates.
Elements underpin data or data layers. Suitable elements are described in the assessment templates, where possible.
View the OMF by intermediate outcome (IO)
The OMF documents are broken up according to DOC's intermediate outcomes.
- Browse an IO overview file to see its structure and decide if it's relevant to your needs.
- Use the assessment template for your chosen IO to find descriptions of indicators and measures.
IO1: The diversity of our natural heritage is maintained and restored
Outcome objectives include: Maintaining ecosystem processes; Limiting environmental contaminants; Reducing spread and dominance of exotic species; Preventing declines and extinctions; Maintaining ecosystem composition; Ensuring ecosystem representation; Adapting to climate change; Human use and interaction with natural heritage.
OMF – IO1 overview (PDF, 121K)
IO1 assessment templates (PDF, 433K)
IO 2: Our history is brought to life and protected
Outcome objectives include: Historic and cultural heritage is protected, conserved and maintained; Demand for historic and cultural heritage experiences is understood; Facilities, services, communication and marketing support the historic and cultural heritage products demanded, and enhance the valuing of heritage; DOC works with others to achieve historic and cultural heritage goals; The benefits of people engaging with historic and cultural heritage on public conservation lands and waters are understood and valued.
OMF – IO2 overview (PDF, 123K)
IO2 assessment templates (PDF, 190K)
IO3: New Zealanders and our visitors are enriched by outdoor experience
Outcome objectives include: Demand for recreation experiences using public conservation lands and waters is understood; Facilities, services and marketing support recreation experiences demanded; DOC works with others to achieve recreational goals; The benefits of people recreating on conservation lands and waters are understood and valued; Impact of recreation use on significant conservation values.
OMF – IO3 overview (PDF, 116K)
IO3 assessment templates (PDF, 209K)
IO4: New Zealanders connect and contribute to conservation
IO4 is in development.
Using the OMF
The OMF has been designed to be adaptive to meet DOC’s needs and to support the alignment of others’ outcome frameworks. Some information is already collected through routine and internally generated data while other information may be collected by other agencies or require to be specifically commissioned and analysed.
The OMF provides information for annual reporting and the guidance of everyday decision-making and policy development. It’s been designed to be flexible to accommodate users’ varied needs.
The OMF is expected to be updated and modified to address new issues as they arise. We hope new monitoring initiatives, surveys and analyses will be placed within existing OMF measures, or that new measures will be developed to accommodate them.