Request Kākāpō125+ data
Apply to use Kākāpō125+ data in your own research.

Approval to access the population genomics dataset generated by the Kākāpō125+ project is granted by the New Zealand Department of Conservation and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. Data use is subject to the Genomics Data Sharing Terms and Conditions, and the following should be considered when submitting an application:

  • All decisions will be made with kākāpō conservation as the top priority.
  • A spirit of collaboration is expected from all researchers.
  • There will be no exclusive use of data.
  • There is a requirement to share, in confidence, results with Kākāpō Recovery and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu ahead of publication.

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Kākāpō125+ genomics data sharing terms and conditions


DIRECTOR-GENERAL of the New Zealand Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai (“the Director-General”). The Department of Conservation is the central government organisation charged with conserving the natural and historic heritage of New Zealand on behalf of and for the benefit of present and future New Zealanders. 

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, the governance entity of the Ngāi Tahu iwi and statutory representative of Ngāi Tahu Whānui (the collective of individuals who descend from the primary hapū of Waitaha, Ngāti Mamoe, and Ngāi Tahu, namely Kāti Kurī, Kāti Irakehu, Kāti Huirapa, Ngāi Tūāhuriri, and Kai Te Ruahikihiki)

The User


Te Rūnanga and the Director-General will provide the User access to the Data on the condition that the User agrees to these Terms and Conditions.


Data means the genomic sequences generated by the Kākāpō125+ genomics project, which include all sequences except for the first (reference) genome, from the kākāpō “Jane”, which was sequenced separately in 2015.

DOC means the New Zealand Department of Conservation.

Te Rūnanga means Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.

Mātauranga Māori means engaging in traditional or present-day knowledge of Ngāi Tahu.

Director-General means the Director-General of Conservation or their delegate.

User means a researcher or research group granted access to the Data.

The singular includes the plural.

Kākāpō Recovery Team means the Operations Manager, Science Advisor and Technical Advisor of the kākāpō/takahē operations team, Southern South Island region, Department of Conservation.

The User agrees and acknowledges:

  1. The User must not pass the Data on to a third party, except for those parts of the Data which are deposited in public databases pursuant to the requirements of any journals in which the results are published. (It is expected that the Kākāpō125+ project database will suffice for data access for journal publication requirements. In exceptional cases where this is not sufficient, genes used in publications may be deposited by the author(s) in public genetic databases, such as Genbank, in accord with the requirements of the journal in which the manuscript is published).
  2. The User must only use the Data for the purposes outlined in the User’s proposal to the Director General and Te Rūnanga.
  3. The User must not use the Data or any results arising from them for unauthorised commercial gain.
  4. The User agrees to engage with Te Rūnanga, if invited, to understand and consider any Mātauranga Māori aspects to the research and accepts that Ngāi Tahu retain the ownership of intellectual property rights over Mātauranga.
  5. A publication embargo applies to use of the Data. Users must refer to the embargo terms advertised on the Kākāpō125+ web page.
  6. The User agrees to share, in confidence, all results with the Kākāpō Recovery team ahead of publication.
  7. The User agrees to share, in confidence, all results with Te Rūnanga ahead of publication, seeking advice from Te Rūnanga about the best way of doing so.
  8. The User must provide Te Rūnanga and the Director-General with a 1-page written summary of the User’s results upon completion of their study, and copies of all research reports and publications that use the Data.
  9. Te Rūnanga and The Director-General will not disclose results from the User to a third party without the User’s permission.
  10. The User must, in any publications arising from the Data, acknowledge the contribution of the following parties in the generation of the Data:
    1. New Zealand Department of Conservation;
    2. Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu;
    3. The Genetic Rescue Foundation;
    4. Genomics Aotearoa;
    5. The University of Otago, New Zealand;
    6. New Zealand Genomics Ltd;
    7. Duke University, USA;
    8. Science Exchange;
  1. The Director-General and Te Rūnanga are to be advised and invited to any presentations of the research so they can assess the way it is represented and received by others.
I agree to the Kākāpō125+ genomics data sharing terms and conditions