Roles and responsibilities for Jobs for Nature
Our definitions for roles and responsibilities for Jobs for Nature projects.

Delivery Partner

The person or entity who enters the funding agreement with us. The Delivery Partner will deliver outcomes and milestones as per the signed funding agreement, and conduct reporting as outlined in how to report.

How to report on your Jobs for Nature project.

Delivery Manager (DOC)

The DOC staff member accountable for monitoring the performance of the Delivery Partner. The Delivery Manager will provide an initial level of assurance on reporting with the following tasks:

  • analyse and verify reports
  • identify, resolve, and escalate critical issues and risks
  • recommend decision on releasing milestone payments.

Jobs for Nature Advisor (DOC)

The DOC staff member within our Jobs for Nature Team assigned to monitor a specific funding agreement. The Advisor will provide the next level of assurance on reporting with the following tasks:

  • Help to set-up reporting requirements and expectations.
  • Receive and review reports.
  • Process documents for audits and payments.

Relationship Manager (DOC)

The DOC staff member accountable for the health of the relationship with the Delivery Partner. Sometimes, the Delivery Manager also performs this role.


If you require assistance with your project, contact your DOC Delivery Manager in the first instance.