Enquire reporting tool for project partners
Enquire is a secure tool that Jobs for Nature project partners are required to use to report on financial, milestone, employment and conservation outcomes.


Quarterly reporting must be completed in Enquire. Invoices and documents can be uploaded into Enquire.

Log in to Enquire.

If these formats do not work for you, email us. We'll provide you with a format that works for you.

Email: JFNReporting@doc.govt.nz

Other reporting metrics

As well as collating financial and milestone data, employment and conservation outcomes are also captured in Enquire.

Reporting is required

The Government has invested $1.219 billion in nature-based work. Reporting is a requirement that enables us to ensure the funding package is delivered effectively to create employment opportunities and deliver tangible conservation benefits to New Zealand.


If you require assistance with your project, contact your DOC Delivery Manager in the first instance.