White pointer shark CSP reports
Read all CSP reports on white pointer sharks.

This is the final report for INT2021-04 Collection and curation of tissue samples from protected fishes and turtles . Published July 2024.

This is the final annual report for INT2021-04 Collection and curation of tissue samples from protected fishes and turtles 2022/23. Published July 2023.

This is the final report for POP2021-05: Preliminary age estimation of New Zealand white shark.

This is the final report for the post release survival of white pointer sharks in New Zealand setnet fisheries 2016-17. Published June 2017.

Read about the investigation of the genetics of protected fish species 2015/16. Published August 2016.

Read the final report for project POP2011-03 Protected fish - review of interactions and populations. Published December 2012.