White-capped albatross CSP reports
Read all CSP reports on white-capped albatrosses.

These are the final reports for POP2022-08 Auckland Islands seabird research 2023/24. Published June and October 2024.

These are the final reports for POP2022-08 Auckland Islands seabird research 2022/23. Published August 2023.

Read the report on mark-recapture methods and findings for Gibson’s albatross and white-capped albatross in the Auckland Islands in 2021 and 2022. Published July 2022.

The final report for POP2017-04: White capped albatross mark-recapture study at Disappointment Island, Auckland Islands. Published December 2018.

This is the final report for POP2017-04: Seabird population research, Auckland Islands 2019/20. Published 2020.

This is the final report for POP2017-04: Seabird population research, Auckland Islands 2018-19. Published 2019.

This is the final report for White‐capped albatross, adult survival & other demographic parameters, Auckland Islands 2017. Published June 2017.

This is the final report for the White-capped albatross aerial survey 2015/16. Published November 2016.

This report describes the results from the aerial survey in 2014/15 to investigate the population size and trend of white-capped albatross at the Auckland Islands. Published June 2015.

Read about the white-capped albatross mark recapture sample size analysis for Disappointment Island. Published November 2015.

The report describes the results from the aerial survey in 2013/14 to investigate the population size and trend of white-capped albatross at the Auckland Islands. Published December 2014.

The report describes the results from aerial surveys in 2011/12 and 2012/13 to investigate the population size and trend of white-capped albatross at the Auckland Islands. Published July 2013.

This report summarises work undertaken during the 2008-09 breeding season as part of the population and distributional study on white-capped albatross (Auckland Islands). Published 2009.

This report summarises work undertaken during the 2007-08 breeding season as part of the population and distributional study on white-capped albatross (Auckland Islands). Published 2009.

This report summarises work undertaken during the 2006-07 breeding season as part of the population and distributional study on white-capped albatross at the Auckland Islands. Published 2008.

View a report documenting the population and distribution of white-capped albatross at the Auckland Islands in 2006.