Image: LINZ | ©
Glenmore station.
Government commits to long-term stewardship as tenure review ends

Archived content: This media release was accurate on the date of publication. 

The Government has announced it is ending tenure review and opening consultation to change the way Crown Pastoral lease land is managed by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Date:  18 February 2019

Tenure review was established in 1998 as tool for the Crown to exit its role as a landlord of pastoral leases. It’s a voluntary process by which Crown pastoral land can be made freehold to a leaseholder and areas with a high ecological value or required by the Crown for another purpose are returned to full Crown control and management as public conservation land.

Ending tenure review will secure the Crown’s long-term ability to protect the natural and cultural values of the land by keeping Crown pastoral land in Crown ownership.

The Government is also seeking public feedback on proposals to introduce a new purpose to the legislation for Crown Pastoral lease lands to achieve better environmental outcomes from management of the land.

The consultation covers proposed changes to support improved management of the 1.2 million ha of pastoral land across the high country. These include ways to make decision making more accountable and transparent, changes to the discretionary consent process and improvements to system information, performance and monitoring.

Consultation into how Crown pastoral lease land is managed will be open until Friday 12 April 2019

Further information on how to make a submission and the discussion document can be found on the LINZ website.


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