Archived content: This media release was accurate on the date of publication. 


We've released key findings and recommendations from a summary report on events leading up to a fatal helicopter crash on 18 October 2018.

Date:  11 October 2022

DOC rangers Paul Hondelink and Scott Theobald, and helicopter pilot Nick Wallis, were killed in the crash. Following the accident, we wanted to ensure that events leading up to the crash were investigated and changes made to ensure the safety of staff and contractors.

We commissioned PwC to undertake this work which included interviews with staff involved in the operation. To maintain the privacy of individuals and respect other legal requirements, PwC produced a summary report.

The PwC summary report findings identified areas for improvement and made recommendations. DOC has implemented all the recommendations to strengthen our health and safety systems.

PwC summary report (PDF, 219K)

Director-General Penny Nelson commissioned an independent review by CosmanParkes health and safety consultancy in June 2022. This was to be sure real changes to DOC’s health and safety had been made. The report provided assurance that the relevant lessons have been learnt and all steps taken to prevent a recurrence.

CosmanParkes summary report (PDF, 219K)

A DOC organisational response report outlines the actions taken by DOC to put in place the PwC summary report’s recommendations.

DOC organisational response report (PDF, 188K)

Both summary reports include redactions under Official Information Action provisions. This is to protect privacy and uphold the maintenance of the law.

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